My main professional site is located here. This is my fun site. Both have my poetry, but this site has my poetry in a fun little poem randomizer - go check it out!
I was inspired to start a Neocities by the web revival movement. If you are here, perhaps you are on Neocities as well. If so, please say hi and leave your link in my guestbook! Or if you found this page through my Linktree and you're new to Neocities, then I highly recommend you make your own Neocities and enjoy a slice of how the internet used to be! The process of learning css and html is, I'm sure, a rewarding one. I can't say I've learned it. I mostly just poke around at things and get excited when they don't break spectacularly.
The indie web is a rad place. You can explore even more by visiting and scrolling through the different websites, or clicking through the webrings I'm a part of.
Just don't forget to say hi in the guest book before you go!
- 2/6/25 - It's been a while, but my annoyance with social media reignited my excitement for the indie web. I ran into some obstacles way back when, where my vision came up against my skillset. That said, I feel like I've learned a lot in the last week as I've changed the layout of the site and have been adding back onti it! So, new layout, new look. I am trying to figure out if I can migrate here from Squarespace entirely. Also, I have a webring in the works - stay tuned!
- 8/17/23 - I added a fun little easter egg to the poetry page! Made some aesthetic changes to the sidebars. Also, finally learned how to make a button using GraphicsGale! Hit me up in the guestbook and let's exchange buttons. Currently I'm researching lightboxes and determining how I want to structure my gallery of book arts projects.
- 8/14/23 - Starting this changelog a little late, but anyway. Yesterday I added the "Collections" page to the website. I'm excited to check out more sites and find some new Neocities neighbors to share there! Today I added a guestbook page, using a pretty snazzy little code made by Virtual Observer. I am trying to learn how to make buttons and just downloaded Gimp, so the journey on that continues. Also, I migrated the data for the navbar and sidebars into their own Javascript files so I only have to edit those files when I want to edit the sidebar, and the changes go into effect across the site. Nice! On mobile, I noticed that my header repeats, so I am trying to fix that.
- Fix guestbook page.
- Design a header
- Finish webring page and share.
- Work on Manifesto.
- Experiment with a draggable windows layout for printmaking portfolio.
- Add more adoptables!!
- Make an about page.
- Add a music player.
- Make cuter scrollbars.