Trans Day Of

trans day of rage. trans day of vengeance. trans day of bleeding bigots. trans day of not being the bigger person. trans day of every statistic and gunman shattered by stilettos. trans day of we are going to make our own world. trans day of we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. trans day of morning coffee in bed. trans day of never having to explain our bodies or language. trans day of eyeliner and glitter and body hair and sweat and flashing lights. trans day of dancing until we can’t anymore. trans day of coming home. trans day of no apologies. trans day of fucking forever. trans day of guns melted down to o-rings. trans day of unabashed faggotry. trans day of free surgeries and hormones. trans day of living a long, long life. trans day of i love you. trans day of i love you. trans day of i love you. trans day of get home safe. trans day of i will see you in the morning.

Read poem and interview at High Country News.