Welcome to my pool party!

Hi, I'm Nico!

In support of the web revival movement and the pursuit of a more creative, chaotic, less-monetizable internet, I am working on switching my website over to Neocities.org. If you're new to Neocities, here's the Tumblr post post that taught me about Neocities and inspired me to make this page.

"At it's heart, I think the web revival expresses a desire to reclaim ourselves. Web revival is an attempt to recreate the web in our own image."-Daniel Murray of Melonland.

It'll take a little time to get this site up and running as a portfolio for my work. In the meantime, here's my Squarespace (yawn).

This layout was made using Sadgirl Online's layout maker. If you decide to embark on your own Neocities journey, I highly recommend her resources!

Say hi in the chat to your right, and if you're a friend of mine, drop the link to your Neocities and I'll add you to my sidebar!